(can be added: barbecue sauce at an additional cost)
Pork Ribs : It contains Gluten, due to the soy that we add to the sauce with which we lacquer the ribs, soy and sulphites. May contain traces of nutmeg and mustard. Although mild, but it has a very low touch of spiciness, coming from the pepper.
Pulled Pork : (GLUTEN FREE OPTION) : It contains mustard, sulfites and the bread that accompanies it would contain eggs, lactose and gluten. In reference to bread, if you have allergies to gluten, eggs or dairy, ask our Staff to change your bread for gluten-free bread, which would be free of the 3 components mentioned above.
Brisket : (GLUTEN-FREE OPTION) Contains sulfites. The accompanying sauce contains soy and gluten, if you are allergic to gluten, ask our Staff to change it for another sauce; in the same way as the bread that accompanies it, it would contain eggs, lactose and gluten. In reference to this, if you have allergies to gluten, eggs or dairy, ask our Staff to change your bread for gluten-free bread, which would be free of the 3 components mentioned above.
(you can add: sauces, cheese, bacon and meats with additional cost)
Cheese Burger : (YOU CAN ORDER WITHOUT GLUTEN) Contains gluten, egg, dairy, mustard and sulfites. In reference to bread, if you have allergies to gluten, eggs or dairy, ask our Staff to change your bread for gluten-free bread, which would be free of the 3 components mentioned above. The cheese and sauce are pasteurized.
BBQ Burger : Contains gluten, soy, egg, dairy and sulfites. May contain traces of mustard. In reference to bread, if you have allergies to gluten, eggs or dairy, ask our Staff to change your bread for gluten-free bread, which would be free of the 3 components mentioned above. The cheese is pasteurized.
Classic Burger : (YOU CAN ORDER WITHOUT GLUTEN) Contains gluten, egg, dairy, mustard and sulfites. In reference to bread, if you have allergies to gluten, eggs or dairy, ask our Staff to change your bread for gluten-free bread, which would be free of the 3 components mentioned above, but if your case is allergy to eggs, also ask our Staff to remove the mayonnaise. Mayonnaise and cheese are pasteurized.
Classic Chicken : (YOU CAN ORDER WITHOUT GLUTEN) Contains gluten, egg, dairy, mustard and sulfites. In reference to bread, if you have allergies to gluten, eggs or dairy, ask our Staff to change your bread for gluten-free bread, which would be free of the 3 components mentioned above, but if your case is allergy to eggs, also ask our Staff to remove the mayonnaise. Mayonnaise and cheese are.
Fries : (GLUTEN FREE OPTION) do not contain allergies
Coleslaw : (GLUTEN FREE OPTION) They contain egg, mustard, sulphites and milk. The sauce is pasteurized
Contains gluten, egg, shelled nuts, dairy and sulphites. Could have traces of soy.
Cookie Sandwich 5,99€
Contains gluten, egg, dairy and sulphites.
Contains gluten, egg, shelled nuts, dairy and sulphites.
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